DENOS has the ambition to actively contribute to the development of top-level
personalized medicine, boosted by new technologies and digital innovations.
DENOS has the ambition to actively contribute to the development of top-level
personalized medicine, boosted by new technologies and digital innovations.
We are focused on three aspects of personalized medicine :
• Personalization of therapies and patients medical pathways.
• Personalization considering the human being in its globality, complexity, health determinants and environment.
• Personalization implying with the patient, mixing physical accompaniment and use of connected devices.
This spans across all geographical borders , in order to maximize the opportunity by bringing together national healthcare systems.

DENOS Medical Assistance
DENOS Medical Assistance is an insurance broker specialized in providing various health related services to insurance companies and patients. Since 2010, DENOS has managed more than 10 000 cases and covers 220 000 insured.
We are
specialized in
Disease management
We manage care for expatriates, impatriates such as international students, staff of diplomatic and international organizations, living in Europe. We welcome patients, from all over the world, who wish to have treatment in Europe. Our service consists in providing advices and organizing medical pathways mainly in France, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy and Belgium for patients with critical and non-critical illness for whom treatment is not provided locally. After analysing physicians' reports and patients' medical records, we select the most appropriate healthcare providers, negotiate with hospitals, pay health costs and physically accompany the patient throughout his medical pathway. In addition, we take care of all logistical aspects such as local transport, medical visa issue, translation and hotel reservations.
Monitoring of patients with chronic illness
Our team of paramedics and physicians monitor patients with chronic illness to better control their diseases, avoid relapse, limit complications and improve daily life at home and at work. To do so, our team gives advice on medical, paramedical, social and ergonomic issues. Our team is therefore permanently in touch with patients through various means of communication. The patient is never left alone with his chronic illness and regularly kept abreast of the latest news regarding his illness and the way to live with it.
Cost Containment
We find the most appropriate healthcare institutions and medical teams throughout the world, but in the same time, we monitor, control, negotiate with health care providers the best prices. They are based on a worldwide data base of health costs, DENOS has developed the past ten years.
Second Medical Opinion
When your doctor recommends a treatment, a medication or procedure for your treatment, you almost certainly have questions and concerns. Getting a second medical opinion can give the patient a certainty and could possibly offer alternatives. If requested, DENOS Medical Assistance may guide you to the best place for treating your disease.
Concierge Medicine
Just like a concierge in a top-level hotel or residence, DENOS Medical Assistance’s concierge will facilitate and coordinate expatriates’ medical experience while visiting France and Europe. The services include :
- • Assistance with coordinating multiple appointments
- • Scheduling airline reservations in cooperation with our partner travel company
- • Assistance with hotel and housing reservations
- • Arranging taxi or limousine service between the airport and the hospital
- • Accompanying family members with accommodations and transportation
Medical Expertise
Concerning medical Expertise and Consulting, we deliver the following services to Insurance Companies and insurance brokers:
• Medical underwriting
• Review of medical records
• Calculation of annuity or capital in life of disability insurance
• Medical and pharmaceutical malpractice
• Wrongful death
Selection of the most
appropriate healthcare providers
Confidentiality and data protection
Follow-up during all the medical pathway
Commitment to find the best cost-effective price
Various working
Selection of the most
appropriate healthcare providers
Follow-up during all the medical pathway
Commitment to find the best cost-effective price
Various working
H24 7/7
From a long tradition of French excellence in healthcare to international health
The French Healthcare System is considered to be one of the bests in the world. Indeed, in a World Health Organization comparison of 191 different countries, France came out at number one. Despite being expensive to maintain and under constant funding pressure, the French system offers a wide choice of general practitioners and healthcare specialists.
The French healthcare expertise with a worldwide outreach among this environment, DENOS is part of French Healthcare, an organization created to gather key actors of the healthcare system in France, whose approach intends to promote the French vision in terms of worldwide health, based on a humanist approach of healthcare and a right and fair access to healthcare products and services.

Denos Health Management
The first French company to position itself in the fast-growing sector of
international hospital consulting
The challenges facing healthcare systems in intermediary developing countries are manifold: securing access to consultants and practitioners trained in advanced medical techniques, being able to lean on recognized therapy procedures and practices, and enabling patients suffering from complex pathologies to benefit from care in the world’s top hospitals.
The objective of DENOS Health Management is to meet the growing needs of public and private hospital facilities by providing teams of experts, consultants and experienced nursing staff and health practitioners, who will be able to respond in every sector of the functioning of hospitals.
As a result, the activities of DENOS Health Management cover recruitment and training of staff, implementation of nursing procedures, and day-to-day intendance of hospitals, handled by the company.
To do so, it falls back on expertise and procedures that are very much inspired by French hospital practices and nursing – the base of a healthcare system that the World Health Organization has acknowledged as being the world’s finest.
Therefore, DENOS Health Management is the first French company to position itself in the fast-growing sector of international hospital consulting (still largely dominated by Anglo-Saxon companies).

In-vivo biomarkers for
targeted therapies in oncology
We created a new radiopharmaceutical biotech company, Zionexa, specialized in the development and commercialization of in-vivo biomarkers and targeted radiopharmaceutical therapies in oncology.
Zionexa is based in France and in the United-States, and actively works on developing its ambitious R&D pipeline of diagnostic radiotracers and targeted radiopharmaceutical therapies, to help clinicians adapt treatments to their patients, and thus improve their quality of life.